Ain’t so Cool

Guys who pick their nose in public with their fingers. Men, it really sucks watching a lady or a dude pick their nose in public with their fingers. It gives you the impression of what they do in private. Piece of advice, try a private place and use tissue paper. Otherwise, eeuuuwww!!!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Guys who pick their nose in public with their fingers. Men, it really sucks watching a lady or a dude pick their nose in public with their fingers.

It gives you the impression of what they do in private. Piece of advice, try a private place and use tissue paper. Otherwise, eeuuuwww!!!

I really don’t like guys who slurp their soup or tea. Hohoho! Call me hater or what! But seriously, it sounds like you are snoring…or something. For real, style up, you may ruin your date thinking you are the hottest thing ever and yet a small thing like slurping tea or soup kills the vibe.

It is bad manners. if it’s a habit, e-mail me and I will give you tips of tenderness. Goodness me!

Seriously, ladies that look like rainbows (make-up) are hillarious. Sorry to say, but ladies that have red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet in their outfits are 0 stars. Ladies, for goodness sake it hasn’t rained that you’d expose your rainbow colours.

Black shoes, green trouser, orange belt, purple top, white fingernails, blue earrings, yellow bag, eh! I can’t continue. Try at least outfits that have a maximum of four colours, you would look good.

Spitting! Maybe this is not for the teens because I guess you don’t do it but act as my advocates to other people; tell them spitting anywhere is not just bad but uncultured. It is a bad habit! Be environmentally friendly and keep Kigali clean. We should be advocates for positive change.

Use tissue paper or something but carelessly spitting everywhere. Additionally, swallowing the phlegm is unhealthy.

Underwear exposure: Ever boarded a taxi and a dude stands to exit and his underwear is at the front page? I mean when the trouser is below the butt and the underwear is just there staring.

Most of them actually have funny colours and cartoon characters like Tweety. It ain’t cool at all.

When it comes to the ladies it’s just too funny. It has become more like a sport; they always check their butts every now and then in taxis to check if they have shown their underwear.

Talk about motorcycles, always pulling the ka-top down to cover miss underwear.

It seems they also know that it aint cool…if that’s the case, ladies and gents,  wear things that do not expose your desire to impress through your underwear.

If you got any ‘aint so cool’ pieces, just email me on: