RwandAir eyes Gabon market

RwandAir has announced it will launch flights from Kigali to Libreville the capital city of the West Central African republic of Gabon beginning April 30, 2011. Libreville will become the national carrier’s twelfth destination. RwandAir said in a statement yesterday that it will operate three weekly flights between Kigali, Libreville and Brazzaville with full right to uplift passengers between Libreville and Brazzaville.RwandAir’s Chief Executive Officer, John Mirenge, said that the carrier is keen on linking Central and West African cities with East Africa.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011
RwandAiru2019s Boeing 737-500 (Courtsey Photo)

RwandAir has announced it will launch flights from Kigali to Libreville the capital city of the West Central African republic of Gabon beginning April 30, 2011.

Libreville will become the national carrier’s twelfth destination.

RwandAir said in a statement yesterday that it will operate three weekly flights between Kigali, Libreville and Brazzaville with full right to uplift passengers between Libreville and Brazzaville.

RwandAir’s Chief Executive Officer, John Mirenge, said that the carrier is keen on linking Central and West African cities with East Africa.

"Earlier this month we launched flights to Brazzaville, but that was not the end of it, we were just finalising arrangements for Libreville which we are now proud to announce,” Mirenge said in the statement.

He added that the memorandum of understanding for bilateral air services agreement signed between the representatives of governments of Rwanda and Gabon will allow the carriers of both countries fifth freedom rights. Kigali – Libreville flights will operate three times a week on Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays.

Libreville, located on the west coast of Africa along the banks of Komo River and overlooking the Atlantic Ocean becomes the fourth port city for RwandAir after Mombasa, Dar es Salaam and Dubai. The airline will later this year take delivery of two Boeing 737- 800s from Boeing Commercial Airplanes. RwandAir says that these aircrafts become the first on the continent to be fitted with the Boeing "Sky Interior”
