Old Bachelor: Valentine’s Day Baahumbug!

Some medieval priest gets his head chopped off because he stubbornly refused to heed the law of the land and decided to marry off some poor chaps and I am forced to become overly romantic! Shaaa! So what?

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Some medieval priest gets his head chopped off because he stubbornly refused to heed the law of the land and decided to marry off some poor chaps and I am forced to become overly romantic! Shaaa! So what?

Let me tell you, it is all a swindle to make us buy flowers and other knick-knacks. Personally, the oldest bachelor south of the Sahara and north of the Limpopo River will not be fooled.

Why on this planet should I spend my hard earned cash because everyone else is doing so?

I think this so called ‘lovers’ day’ is chauvinist. It is we the guys, who have to buy the red roses, the boxes of chocolate and pay for the romantic candle-lit dinners. The ladies just have to look pretty.

I prefer Christmas; at least, everyone gets a present on this day, but Valentines Day? The ladies de-tooth us like a gang of zealous dentists. Poor men!

I am an African traditionalist; I believe things should have remained the way they used to (pre-white people). My grandparents; may God bless them, have been married for almost half a century and grandpa has never bought a single flower in his life. It does not mean he has never loved his wife …; he had better things to do.

This day makes some people very uncomfortable. I mean, what happens when the dreaded 14th February comes along? Should we jump off the bridge because we do not have a soul-mate to sing to that day?

I watched a friend of mine in Butare, who almost lost a plot because he did not have a date. This dude called all the ladies in his phonebook to no avail. He could hardly get one lady to become his ‘valentine,’ what a day! Hah! Hah! Hah!

Being the sadist that I am, I found all that extremely amusing. This is the Old Bachelor’s take on this entire situation. I can even say it in a word; ridiculous. Personally on that day I was chilling at the bachelor’s pad, sleeping.

When I woke up late in the evening I visited my date. Yes, despite my previous fury I had a date. She was tall, had curves to die for and was waiting for me at the bar. Her name? Mutzig!

Contact: madogz2002@yahoo.ca