Creating jobs will stem brain drain

Editor,I would wish to express my gratitude to the Ministry of Public Services and Labour over plans to create about 1.5million jobs in the next seven years. Job creation will certainly reduce unemployment. Already, the government has done well in the area of education.

Monday, March 28, 2011


I would wish to express my gratitude to the Ministry of Public Services and Labour over plans to create about 1.5million jobs in the next seven years.

Job creation will certainly reduce unemployment. Already, the government has done well in the area of education. In just 16 years, the country’s output of university and advanced technology graduates is 10,000 a year.

We have been sending many students to study outside and the number of graduates is growing day by day. But not all these graduates get jobs.
Creating jobs will help our professionals stay in the country and use their skills for development.

Lack of employment is the major cause of brain drain in Africa. Educated Africans are always tempted to look for better opportunities and better salaries elsewhere.

Andrew Ruliisa