International coffee traders to visit plantation owners

International coffee traders expected in the country early next year for the 6th International Coffee Exhibition and Conference will have field trips to Rwanda coffee farmers.

Friday, February 22, 2008
A coffee plantation in Rwanda. (File photo)

International coffee traders expected in the country early next year for the 6th International Coffee Exhibition and Conference will have field trips to Rwanda coffee farmers.

Ocir Café is optimistic the field trips will boost the marketing of Rwandan coffee on the international market and attract new buyers.

"It is important for the importers to know where the coffee comes from. To see the coffee gardens and see how it is handled during processing," Alfred Mutebwa, the Ocir Café project manager said.

He said when stakeholders in the coffee industry see for themselves where the coffee comes from, how it is processed, they will be also able to assure their buyers about the good quality of the Rwandan coffee.

Adding, they expect to get new buyers since in some cases, many customers are reluctant to consume coffee they do not know its origin and how it is handled during the processing.

Rwanda coffee was recently voted best by international coffee experts.

Organised under the theme "A coffee Journey to the Land of a Thousand Hills", the conference and exhibition will also help to create a coffee alliance among coffee producers in Rwanda.

Apparently the annual event is expected to attract over 500 coffee professionals (coffee producers, coffee producers, processors and marketers) from Eastern Africa Region and around the world.
