Rwandair Cargo Staff doing a great job

Editor, I wish to share other readers an interesting experience I had this month with two Rwandair employees, working at the airport. The first encounter was with a lady at the sales office/customer care desk inside the airport.

Sunday, March 27, 2011


I wish to share other readers an interesting experience I had this month with two Rwandair employees, working at the airport.

The first encounter was with a lady at the sales office/customer care desk inside the airport.

I went there with a specific request because someone at the Entebbe Airport had to send me an urgent CD but didn’t have money on him.

The evening flight was leaving Entebbe at 10.30Pm and going back to Kampala to get money would have been impossible.

So, I went to the airport in Kigali to ask if I could pay the $20 fee for this courier service from Entebbe. The lady simply said no.

I calmly explained to her again the exceptional request and the collect charges but all I could read from her face is "who is this lady asking me such a complicated thing?”
She asked me to go and inquire from the cargo people. At the cargo office, nobody was in but thank God, there was a telephone number written on the door.

Though the man was on the tarmac of the airport, he took time to listen and to offer a solution. The only issue here was that, he could not receive cash.

He asked me to go and pay the Ten Thousand francs in one of the banks at the airport. Unfortunately, all the banks had closed this Sunday evening. I called again the cargo man. He accepted to do an exception to the rule.
He called his colleague in Entebbe and asked him to send the CD on that evening flight.

I was given the CD after giving the bank slip, I felt like screaming and letting everyone know how exceptional some service people are in Rwanda.

Well, rules are very important for every business but in order to offer consistent good customer service, it is important that service providers adopt creative thinking as in most cases; they are able to find alternative solutions to their customers.