Congs to RDF for ensuring peace and stability

Editor, Recently, I was leaving work for a meeting at around 3:00pm but it was raining heavily. However, I was shocked to see our soldiers standing in their usual spots in the city on high alert and not bothered about the rain at all. Not only are our courageous soldiers ever alert but also exhibit extremely high discipline.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Recently, I was leaving work for a meeting at around 3:00pm but it was raining heavily. However, I was shocked to see our soldiers standing in their usual spots in the city on high alert and not bothered about the rain at all. Not only are our courageous soldiers ever alert but also exhibit extremely high discipline.

They always keep away from civilians in order not to be distracted from their duty. They love us and we love to work with them.

I am not only proud of our security forces’ willingness to protect the people of Rwanda but thank them for enduring the scotching heat and rain just for us to be safe from the cowards, that want to blow us up so as to fulfill their evil mission.

Thank you RDF and all stakeholders for maintaining peace and security in our country. Of course, we do not take your sacrifice for granted but we appreciate so much.

We may not publicly applaud you, but I have no doubt, everybody appreciates your presence.

Hassan Kibirango