Kagame joins anti-Nyakatsi drive in Kanyinya

KIGALI - President Paul Kagame, yesterday joined residents of Kanyinya Sector, Shyorongi in Nyarugenge District in the monthly community work (Umuganda), where several modern houses were constructed in a bid to eliminate thatched houses, commonly known as Nyakatsi.The President was joined by members of the East African Legislative Assembly (EALA) led by the Speaker, Abdi Haithar Abdirahin,, to construct houses which will provide decent shelter for needy families.

Sunday, March 27, 2011
President Kagame and the Speaker of the EALA, Abdi Haithar Abdirahin (in red chequered shirt), Helping build a House for the disadvantaged during Umuganda yesterday. Left is the Mayor of Nyarugenge, Solange Mukasonga (Photo Urugwiro Village)

KIGALI - President Paul Kagame, yesterday joined residents of Kanyinya Sector, Shyorongi in Nyarugenge District in the monthly community work (Umuganda), where several modern houses were constructed in a bid to eliminate thatched houses, commonly known as Nyakatsi.

The President was joined by members of the East African Legislative Assembly (EALA) led by the Speaker, Abdi Haithar Abdirahin,, to construct houses which will provide decent shelter for needy families.

The regional legislators, top government officials, as well as members of the RDF and Police participated in the work, carrying bricks, mixing mortar and cement and helping the builders, in a show of unity and togetherness.

Using a trowel, mortar and bricks, President Kagame freely joined the residents to put up a house that will go to one of the area’s poor families.

The President thanked the EALA members for participating in the communal work, noting that their presence confirmed the fact that East Africa is one, and that the ambitions of the citizens of all the five member-countries are the same;  to have decent living conditions.

He pointed out that there is a big difference between merely existing and living a decent life, and that there is no reason why people should not live decently because they have what it takes to work themselves out of poverty.

Citing the example of the houses constructed, President Kagame told the residents that through their efforts, they can address their own challenges without necessarily waiting for "others” to do it for them.

He told the people of Shyorongi that, they have the power and the will to tackle head on their challenges without looking to foreigners, adding that it is important to know what they want and at the same time, work to achieve exactly that.

The President said that it was vital for Rwandans to identify and seek solutions to their own problems but, that what is even more important is the ability to go beyond just identifying their needs and be action oriented.

He noted that the importance of Umuganda is not limited to activities like construction of houses but also serves as a reminder that people can achieve more by doing things themselves.

President Kagame also reminded the residents that Umuganda brings together citizens in a show of unity, regardless of who they are and what they do, but unified people determined to build their country.

"There are Ministers here, Members of Parliament, you have seen the army and the police and many other people. This shows you that we are one country, we are people with a common cause and a common goal, we are one family,” Kagame said.

EALA Speaker, Abdirahin, said that Umuganda is an activity that should be replicated in the EAC region. He noted that it is important that all EAC residents have a decent living.

He commended the government for the efforts to ensure that Rwandans are lifted out of poverty through their own efforts and that Rwanda has many lessons to offer to her neighbours in the EAC.

"As East Africans who have come here, we have learnt a lot. It is from seeing that you can believe, when we see, we go out there and preach that gospel. What we see, we don’t just leave it here, we go out their and say it, so those who have ears will hear,” Abdirahin said.

The Mayor of Kigali, Fidele Ndayisaba, said that the City had about 1,559 people living in thatched houses before the anti-Nyakatsi campaign kicked off, but today, 1093 houses have been completed and 400 more are nearing completion.

He said that in two weeks time, thatched houses will have been phased out completely.

One of the beneficiaries, Daphrose Nyiramirimo, thanked President Kagame, saying that he is a man of his word, because he delivered what he promised to his people, particularly lifting them out of poverty.
