No pill for every illness

Along with technological advancement, there has been significant development in all fields including the one dealing with drugs and medicines, i.e. pharmaco -therapeutics.In the past 60 years or so, new molecules were discovered after extensive research for various ailments and new medicines were manufactured. 

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Along with technological advancement, there has been significant development in all fields including the one dealing with drugs and medicines, i.e. pharmaco -therapeutics.

In the past 60 years or so, new molecules were discovered after extensive research for various ailments and new medicines were manufactured. 

This has proved extremely beneficial for mankind in general. Man has been able to conquer many diseases due to this hard work done by some people at the other end discovering and manufacturing medicines.

Today the range of medicines available is amazing. The same medicine can be obtained in tablet, injection, syrup, inhaler, spray, ointment, e.t.c. so many forms.  They come in various convenient and attractive packing.

With this tremendous development, many new drugs kept on coming in the range of medicines. Starting from drugs for fever, infections, pain, e.t.c., now medicines are available for every possible physical and mental, real or imaginary problem man is facing.

There is a pill for every condition.  Allergy, loss of appetite, indigestion, impotence, insomnia, and feeling down, overweight or underweight, one can take drugs for any ailment.

But at this time it is important to ponder whether all these pills are really needed, can one can do without them and do the disadvantages outweigh the benefits.
Antibiotics are very useful when one really has an infection anywhere in the body. But many times, people buy it and use it on their own for minor problems like cold or just throat irritation for which one really does not need any antibiotic.

Moreover they tend to take it just for a day or 2 i.e. in inadequate doses. Little do they realize that in this way they expose themselves to side effects of a specific antibiotic, B.complex deficiency and the risk of infection with germs which become resistant to that antibiotic.

There is a wide range of medicines and syrups available for digestive disorders like flatulence, dyspepsia, constipation, e.t.c. But a change in diet habits and life style is more beneficial and safe than taking these drugs. Whatever relief these drugs provide is transient. Unless one corrects his diet and life style, the symptoms are sure to relapse.

Then there are drugs used for sleeping. They are beneficial for somebody needing total rest as after a major operation or heart attack. But these sleeping pills are used by many individuals on a daily basis.

After sometime they become dependent on it, and the existing dose tends to become ineffective.
Thus they have to take higher doses for sleeping, thus increasing the addiction and creating a vicious cycle for themselves. Pills to reduce weight had become very popular, when launched in the market.

But very soon their side effects started coming forward. People using them experienced low blood pressure, much sedation and dizziness, marked dryness of mouth, constipation, e.t.c.

Similarly drugs used to induce appetite also cause marked sedation and dryness of mouth.

The market is full various kinds of vitamin, proteins, e.t.c. nutritional supplements. They are indicated to be used in specific situations. But they are used regularly by many people in a bid to remain healthy or gain more strength.

But these people do not realize that no tablet, syrup or injection can be a substitute for natural food. Food available naturally provides many micro nutrients which these supplements lack. Moreover, overdose of vitamins is known to produce toxicities. Overdose of proteins can damage the kidneys.
Drugs used to treat depression can induce abnormal postures of limbs and body which is very frightening to the person. No  drug  can be  a substitute for a healthy disciplined life. 

If only drugs were the source of good health and energy, one would be advised to take only pills throughout the day, which is not so.   A person, who takes a balanced diet, adequate physical exercise, keeps his mind and body relaxed and keeps away from addictions always remains healthy and strong.

The market is full of drugs. But prudence demands that one takes them only when absolutely necessary.