Bad romance

She said to me, “Please, go with me Uncle. I want to marry you.” It was funny, and I just replied, “You are still young Linda; I will come back for you after your university.” She cried as I boarded the taxi.That was a year after I had moved in to my cousin brother’s house. I stayed with his family for one complete year as I pursued my books from the college in his town of residence.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

She said to me, "Please, go with me Uncle. I want to marry you.” It was funny, and I just replied, "You are still young Linda; I will come back for you after your university.” She cried as I boarded the taxi.

That was a year after I had moved in to my cousin brother’s house. I stayed with his family for one complete year as I pursued my books from the college in his town of residence.

Linda, my cousin’s four year old daughter became my closest friend for the one year stay. She was in kindergarten then, and we spent much time together, especially when I stayed home all day.

I taught her some French, read her adventure novels and bought her lollipops almost daily. Sometimes we went together for my dancing practice in town and she sat alone in the seats cheering on.

"Uncle Tom can dance better than you Daddy,” or "Uncle Tom is fatter than you Daddy,” was all she sang to her dear father. She practically hated her mother even more. She preferred my bed, though she could wet it every time she slept there.

On her fifth birthday, I gave her a baby piano as a gift, and she loved it - I knew her passion for music.

And the morning of Linda’s birthday night was the morning I was to go back home, after completing my diploma course. I packed my bags and slept earlier, ahead the next day’s five hour drive.

Linda was most upset as I dragged my bags to the taxi-stop. On the moment of saying goodbye, she hugged me and whispered in tears, "Please, go with me Uncle, I…”
We waited for the taxi as she told tales about her boyfriend, her neighbour’s 4-5 year old son.

The two had separated a month after my arrival, when she fell for me.
I never followed up to know if she reconnected with her boyfriend after. But, I still feel sorry for her, for that heart breaking moment. She is seven now, and maybe still waiting. I guess she will outgrow the childish infatuation!
