Fiction: The loud barking but toothless dog

Kennedy Okumu was until recently feared, almost revered, by his neighbours and the village at large for his endless noise and battering of his wife. He is the kind of a man who passionately indulges in commotion at the slightest provocation.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Kennedy Okumu was until recently feared, almost revered, by his neighbours and the village at large for his endless noise and battering of his wife. He is the kind of a man who passionately indulges in commotion at the slightest provocation.

His masculine body is full of old and fresh scars as a result of none ending brawls with both friends and foes.

Okumu’s habit escalated leaving his wife with no other choice but to seek solace from her parents. The parents readily accepted their daughter back.

They were opposed to the marriage since day one but their daughter had gone to the violent man against their will. The marriage, two years old was devoid of children.

Attempts by both friends and relatives to inquire what was amiss with them not getting children went unheeded. Okumu’s wife, however, after being silent for quite long decided to spill the beans to her parents.

It did not come as a surprise to most of the villagers when she returned home to her parents.

As a matter of fact, most of them could not understand what had kept her at that pandemonium home for so long. They applauded her for the brave move and cautioned her never to return back to that beast of a man.

Okumu however was distressed by his wife running away. There was some vital and crucial secret she had regarding their relationship and he did not want it leaked.

This disturbed him immensely and though dreaded by many, this time round, he humbled himself to his wife and tried to induce her going back to him, something she adamantly refused.

"Okumu has a serious problem which needs to be addressed.” Okumu’s wife disclosed to her parents one evening as they were seated at their traditional kitchen roasting corns from a jiko. They sensed the seriousness of the matter from her tone and consequently paid the attention she deserved.

"Okumu is as good as nothing. He probably is this violent because he is in dilemma of his condition and is doing all this trying to escape from reality.” She said amid painful sobs. "What is this condition which you are referring to my daughter?” Her father solemnly asked as he sought for clarity.

Tears freely rolled on her battered red cheeks as she tried to put across the sad message to her parents. "It’s like we have been living in a convent.

He does not rise up to the occasion and efforts trying to correct the anomaly yielded to nothing for the last two years! I’ve been deprived all this long!” She divulged to them as she hysterically cried aloud.

"And to add salt into injury he shamelessly unleashes blows on your beautiful body! What a toothless dog he is!” Her father said loudly and in pain as he stood up cursing the impotent man.

Like a bush fire, rumours have been spread far and wide and the dreaded man is out of shame, unable to socialize let alone fight as he used to.

Young unmarried men are now frequenting the homestead of the now divorced lass in a bid to win her heart and complete the puzzle which the man desperately botched.

"Quitters never win, winners never quit, but those who never win and never quit are idiots.” - Anonymous