Perfect weekend…Dr. Otto Vianney Muhinda

Besides being the coordinator of the One Cow project in the Ministry of Agriculture, Dr. Otto Vianney Muhinda is also the president of the Rwanda Rugby Federatio.After a long busy week, Muhinda says he dedicates the weekend to personal issues. Below he shares how he spends it;

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Besides being the coordinator of the One Cow project in the Ministry of Agriculture, Dr. Otto Vianney Muhinda is also the president of the Rwanda Rugby Federatio.

After a long busy week, Muhinda says he dedicates the weekend to personal issues. Below he shares how he spends it;

My weekend starts on Saturday as soon as I wake-up at around 9a.m. I do not go anywhere, but stay home with my family. I listen to music and also consult my wife on various issues which we feel are important. I also get time to discuss with my children.

If I happen to have an appointment either for a wedding or meeting, I start preparing early because I hate being late.

For lunch, I may move out with the family to any joint that offers Indian food. It’s my favourite especially over the weekend.

Although I may get some time for sports during the week, over the weekend it’s a must. I can go for any sport including football. I also train with Murindi Football Club being a member.

On Sunday, I prefer paying visits to family members, friends as well as moving around with my family. However, I will be home by 7p.m. This is to ensure that I plan for Monday.

I have supper at around 9 but get to bed at mid night since I always have some work to do in the evening.

That makes my weekend perfect

Photo G. Mugoya