Irrigation projects are a dream come true

Editor, I attended the launch of the construction of the irrigation projects in the Eastern Province earlier in the week, and I must say it’s a dream come true. The Eastern province has, on various occasions, faced long dry spells that have negatively affected crops production.

Saturday, March 26, 2011
A young Boy joins Prime Minister Bernard Makuza and other officials at the Launch of Kiliba Dam in Gatsibo District on Wednesday. (Photo J Mbanda)


I attended the launch of the construction of the irrigation projects in the Eastern Province earlier in the week, and I must say it’s a dream come true.

The Eastern province has, on various occasions, faced long dry spells that have negatively affected crops production.

With the irrigation projects, there will be reliable water supply and the effects of dry spells will be something of the past. Now the farmers can not only grow enough food for consumptions, but for export as well.

This will definitely translate to better incomes, better lifestyle and sustainable food security.

Connie V. Mbabazi