Two Genocide suspects arrested in Belgium

Brussels- Reports from Brussels indicate that Belgian authorities, Tuesday morning, arrested two Rwandans accused of taking part in the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi.Ernest Gakwaya, alias Camarade, and Emmanuel Nkunzuwimye, also known as Bomboko, were picked up from their residences, in the wee hours and taken into custody.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Brussels- Reports from Brussels indicate that Belgian authorities, Tuesday morning, arrested two Rwandans accused of taking part in the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi.

Ernest Gakwaya, alias Camarade, and Emmanuel Nkunzuwimye, also known as Bomboko, were picked up from their residences, in the wee hours and taken into custody.

Both were notorious members of the Interahamwe militia,

When contacted, the Prosecutor General, Martin Ngoga, told The New Times that his office has not been officially informed, but had heard about it.

"We have for years, been jointly working with Belgian investigators on these cases. The arrests do not come as a surprise, it was expected,” Ngoga said.

According to survivors, Ernest Gakwaya, alias Camarade, is a notorious name in Nyamirambo, a popular Kigali suburb. As an ardent member of the Interahamwe 16 years ago, he left an indelible mark in the widespread killings during the Genocide.

Nkunzuwimye, on the other hand, was the side-kick of Jean Marie Vianney Mudahinyuka, alias Zuzu, Who was recently deported from the USA.

He is currently serving a 19-year jail sentence that had been passed down in absentia by a Gacaca court.
