Judicial officers urged to uphold ethics

KARONGI- Judges, prosecutors and other court officials were, yesterday, called upon to display maximum ethical standards by ensuring that the legitimate expectations and aspirations of the people are met.Addressing the officials in Karongi District, High Court president, Johnston Busingye, warned them against corruption and professional misconduct.

Friday, March 25, 2011
High Court President Johnston Busingye speaking to Prosecutor Fiacre Nyamuhenda and Karongi 7-1 DPC Gilbert Ruhorahoza shortly after meeting Karongi court officials (Photo S. Nkurunziza)

KARONGI- Judges, prosecutors and other court officials were, yesterday, called upon to display maximum ethical standards by ensuring that the legitimate expectations and aspirations of the people are met.

Addressing the officials in Karongi District, High Court president, Johnston Busingye, warned them against corruption and professional misconduct.

"You should exercise the powers entrusted in you to build public trust in the system because justice connects to development and people’s aspirations,” Busingye said.

He encouraged them to deliver justice quickly and efficiently, adding that no one is above the law.

Busingye also called for the protection and defence of peoples’ rights.

"Adhere to the rule of law and allow litigants to freely turn up for their trials by having less and less suspects on pre trial detention and more on bail,” Busingye said.

The officials were urged to desist from negative solidarity and deliberate injustice.

"Take your time to investigate and avoid rushed and unreasoned judgments basing on friendship or any other form of relationship,” he said.

Chief prosecutor at Karongi intermediate court, Fiacre Nyamuhenda, acknowledged the need to institutionalize the fight against corruption and imposing appropriate measures to punish the guilty.

"If we effectively develop preventive measures and enforce them efficiently, we shall certainly be on the right path,” he said.
