Graduates should aim at job creation

Editor,Through your paper, allow me to congratulate the students who graduated yesterday from KIST. It is such a mighty addition to the work force of Rwanda and a personal feat on their part.I, however, would like to urge the new entrants into the Job market to have an attitude, different from the job seeking, that has at times characterized fresh graduates.

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Through your paper, allow me to congratulate the students who graduated yesterday from KIST. It is such a mighty addition to the work force of Rwanda and a personal feat on their part.

I, however, would like to urge the new entrants into the Job market to have an attitude, different from the job seeking, that has at times characterized fresh graduates.

They should look at things from a different perspective. Today’s world is so competitive. It needs a new breed of young people who come to the labour market with ideas of job creation instead of treading the streets looking for jobs.

This is even more relevant due to the fact that courses offered at KIST including electrical engineering, ICT, are practical and easily motivate the graduates to become entrepreneurs.

By becoming job creators, the graduates will have played a big role in developing the economy  and themselves. They will be entrepreneurs and by joining hands, they can come up with projects and access funding from the various institutions.

Sandra B Mutoni