Gatuna officials ought to be more serious

Dear Editor, Sometime back, I wrote a letter on this very subject but nothing seems to have been done. At that time, I had come from Uganda with a second hand television set that I bought from Uganda. It was worth Frw 50,000. While at the Gatuna border, I was taken by surprise when the revenue authorities asked me to pay tax of Frw 45,000 which is almost equivalent to the mount at which I purchased it.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Dear Editor,

Sometime back, I wrote a letter on this very subject but nothing seems to have been done. At that time, I had come from Uganda with a second hand television set that I bought from Uganda. It was worth Frw 50,000. While at the Gatuna border, I was taken by surprise when the revenue authorities asked me to pay tax of Frw 45,000 which is almost equivalent to the mount at which I purchased it.

This time round, I came with some household items of which I was also required to pay revenue. I did not object to this but was very bitter with the bureaucratic officials who made us wait for ages as they slowly went about their work.

I also had to wait for two other hours before the customs officer attended to me. As if that was not bad enough, the border opened late. Surely something needs to be done about the delays at the customs and let the officials be specific on what items we are supposed to pay taxes. If Rwanda must work at the pace of the East African Community, then they had better measure up to the required standards.