4thEALA session convenes in Kigali

The East Africa Legislative Assembly (EALA) will tomorrow convene in Kigali.The minister for East African Community (EAC), Monique Mukaruliza, said the regional legislators will discuss regional issues including the EAC draft protocol on good governance.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011
(L_R)PS Robert Saalli, Min. Monique Mukaruriza and EALA members, Patricia Hajabakiga and Dr James Ndahiro (Photo T.Kisambira)

The East Africa Legislative Assembly (EALA) will tomorrow convene in Kigali.

The minister for East African Community (EAC), Monique Mukaruliza, said the regional legislators will discuss regional issues including the EAC draft protocol on good governance.

"This is a rotational meeting of the lawmakers and on the agenda is the EAC Bill of Rights by the department of Political Federation, the election bill and the amendment of Inter University Council bill,” Mukaruliza said.

She added that the 23rd meeting of regional Council of Ministers will also take place to highlight the status of partner states’ contributions, request for supplementary budget and budget re-allocation for the EALA as well as the Secretariat.

Mukaruliza observed that it was a great opportunity for the country to host such meeting, adding that it will help Rwandans to know how far the country has reached in terms of integration.

"It’s like an awareness campaign for Rwandans to know what the assembly is doing.”

On where the country has reached in terms of regional integration, the minister explained that it was at the same level with other partner states, except on provision of workers at the regional body.

"Rwanda is well represented on the regional level like other countries, for example we have nine regional lawmakers like others, on the implementation of customs union protocol we are on the same level, but we are not fully integrated in terms of staff provision,” she said.

During the two-week meeting, participants are expected to review the proposed guidelines on the application of the principle of rotating the executive staff in all the regional organs and institutions to allow all countries provide same representatives.

Patricia Hajabakiga, one of the Rwandan legislators, said that the regional members will participate in community work (Umuganda) to fight against grass thatched houses (Nyakatsi).
