Birthday wishes

Birthday wishes to Diane Muhoza who turned 12 years on 15th March. She is sending appreciation to her parents who always make it for her. Esther Mukarusine, turned 11 years on 13th March. She thanks everyone that participated in making her birthday lively especially the drama group at her school.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011
L-R; Diane Muhoza; Esther Mukarusine; David Ndishimye; Rebecca Manishimwe

Birthday wishes to Diane Muhoza who turned 12 years on 15th March. She is sending appreciation to her parents who always make it for her.

Esther Mukarusine, turned 11 years on 13th March. She thanks everyone that participated in making her birthday lively especially the drama group at her school.

Happy Birthday to David Ndishimye, he turned 12 years on 15th March.

Rebecca Manishimwe turned 12 years on 15th March. She thanks her parents and friends that turned up to celebrate with her birthday.
