Ministry of Health is doing a great job

Editor,I wish to commend the Ministry of Health for its success in fighting malaria. The disease is Africa’s biggest killer.  Information from the ministry of health shows that the country has managed to bring down the disease by 70 percent between 2005-2010.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


I wish to commend the Ministry of Health for its success in fighting malaria. The disease is Africa’s biggest killer.  Information from the ministry of health shows that the country has managed to bring down the disease by 70 percent between 2005-2010.

The recent review findings that indicate that there was a 61 percent decline in deaths caused by malaria within the same period in the country is very commendable and should be supported.

But like the acting Director General of TRAC Plus, Dr. Corine Karema, explained, the war against malaria is everybody’s responsibility. The ministry can play a leading role but all Rwandans ought to participant in order to have a malaria-free country.

News that our household ownership of mosquito nets is now 98,99 %, is very impressive. However, the challenge we have is to sensitize people to sleep under the mosquito nets. There are reports from upcountry that, people are not using the nets. Districts leaders have a big task to address this issue.

Jacqueline Mukamusoni