Everybody should be Rwandan ambassador

Editor, Allow me to express my support, through your newspaper to Ambassador James Kimonyo, who called on Rwandans, during a public lecture, to act as ambassadors and tell the world about Rwanda’s  achievements. Yes, the country has transformed and we have huge untapped opportunities available for investors.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Allow me to express my support, through your newspaper to Ambassador James Kimonyo, who called on Rwandans, during a public lecture, to act as ambassadors and tell the world about Rwanda’s  achievements. Yes, the country has transformed and we have huge untapped opportunities available for investors.
Well, the country might not have achieved 100% in the last sixteen years, but even for a cynic, the changes that have happened in Rwanda since the 1994 Genocide against Tutsi cannot be sneered at.

What the leadership has achieved is exceptional and unbelievable. However, some detractors have been peddling lies and speaking ill of our country. Some of these detractors are Rwandan fugitives. 

In order to attract sympathy, they always put themselves in the position of the victims and want to cover up their own crimes.

Like Ambassador Kimonyo said, all Rwandans have a duty to tell the true story about their country. For Rwanda’s enemies, you will never succeed in tarnishing our beloved country.

Morgan Karamuzi