Minister Nsanzabaganwa is right on customer care

Editor, Allow me, through your newspaper to express my support to the Ministry of Trade and Industry on the issue of customer care in our country. First and foremost, a customer is number one and for any business to progress, you need to treat your customer with respect.

Monday, March 21, 2011


Allow me, through your newspaper to express my support to the Ministry of Trade and Industry on the issue of customer care in our country. First and foremost, a customer is number one and for any business to progress, you need to treat your customer with respect.

I entered a restaurant in Kigali recently but I was shocked the way waitresses handle customers.  I sat for 30minutes without being attended to. Finally, when one girl came, she said it was my fault that I never called them.

The minister is right when she says that business proprietors should have good customer care if they want to compete and transform the country.

For businesses to survive, they will need to up their game by offering quality service.

Abdul Hassan Mwambutsa