Let us keep our water resources clean

Editor, Water is very critical in life and without water, there is no life, since 70% of our body is made up of water. I wish, therefore to commend the government’s efforts to have Rwandans access clean drinking water.  I am happy to learn from State Minister for energy and Water, Coletha Ruhamya that today, 80% percent of Rwandans have access to clean water.

Monday, March 21, 2011


Water is very critical in life and without water, there is no life, since 70% of our body is made up of water. I wish, therefore to commend the government’s efforts to have Rwandans access clean drinking water.  I am happy to learn from State Minister for energy and Water, Coletha Ruhamya that today, 80% percent of Rwandans have access to clean water.

As we start the Water Week, I would like to appeal to all Rwandans to consider water as a priority in life and continue to guard our water resources.

Dirt free and healthy water can help us maintain a healthy life because with clean water, we can work better, think better and our immune system will become stronger.
According to scientists, a healthy person requires 2 liters of water daily for active functioning of body parts and health officials ought to sensitize Rwandans about the importance of water.

As the government prepares to double its efforts in putting in place new water supply and sanitation installations throughout the country, let us all give a helping hand to the government so that it achieves its targets of attaining 100% service coverage of water and sanitation by 2015.

Iren Mukandoli