International Sacco forum kicks off today

The second International Sacco Leaders Forum (SLD) will kick off today in Kigali. The conference is organized by the African Confederation of Cooperative Savings and Credit Associations (ACCOSCA), in conjunction with the Rwanda Cooperative Agency (RCA) and the National Confederation of Cooperatives in Rwanda.

Monday, March 21, 2011
Rwanda Cooperatives Agency boss Damien Mugabo

The second International Sacco Leaders Forum (SLD) will kick off today in Kigali.

The conference is organized by the African Confederation of Cooperative Savings and Credit Associations (ACCOSCA), in conjunction with the Rwanda Cooperative Agency (RCA) and the National Confederation of Cooperatives in Rwanda.

"The forum will enable participants learn more about ways of managing SACCOs, discuss matters concerning the involvement of the youth, innovation for development and growth of SACCOs,” said Celine Uwera the communication officer at RCA.

Uwera added; "The event will provide a unique platform for the renowned guest speakers to share their expertise and knowledge with participants on the promotion and enhancement of enterprise development.”

So far, 16 African countries have confirmed attendance and about 100 delegates are expected to take part in the conference.

"The forum will create an opportunity to network with leaders across the African continent and international partners,” said Uwera.

The theme of the forum is ‘Redirecting effective management for SACCOs as a catalyst to development in Africa’.

The forum will be attended by CEOs and managers of co-operatives and credit unions in Africa, government officials and policy makers youth group leaders, researchers and the academia.
