Rwandans in Canada recognise partners

Rwandan women residing in Canada last week convened in Ottawa to honour Canadians who played significant roles during the liberation of Rwanda and others who have done a great job in developing Rwandan women in the country and abroad.

Sunday, March 20, 2011
Canadian Shyrna Gilbert receiving award (Courtesy photo)

Rwandan women residing in Canada last week convened in Ottawa to honour Canadians who played significant roles during the liberation of Rwanda and others who have done a great job in developing Rwandan women in the country and abroad.

The "Association Communautaire” of Rwandan women in Ottawa, in conjunction with Rwanda Social Services and Family Counselling Canada, organized the ceremony that attracted many Rwandans, Burundians and Canadians.

Every year they target various groups of people and this year the commemoration revolved around assistance to women who were raped during the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi.

Among the people who were recognised were Madam Shyrna Gilbert, fondly known as Nyiraneza, who has educated many children through her organization "HOPE FOR RWANDA CHILDREN’S FUND”.

The organization was formed to assist Rwandan children who were affected by the Genocide.
Others were Senator Romeo Dallaire, Hon. David Kilgour, former Secretary of State in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Among the speakers during the ceremony were the chairperson of the association, Beatrice Rulinda, Lambert Rangira and Eugene Ngoga.
