Customer care crucial - Nsanzabaganwa

KIGALI -The Minister of Trade and Industry, Monique Nsanzabaganwa, has said that business proprietors should good customer care services seriously if the industry and economy of the country is to develop.She made the remarks, yesterday, while opening a one -ay forum of hotel and restaurant managers convened by the ministry to help develop the industry.

Sunday, March 20, 2011
Trade and Industry Minister Monique Nsanzabaganwa (2L) with stakeholders in the Hotel Industry at the meeting. (Photo J Mbanda)

KIGALI -The Minister of Trade and Industry, Monique Nsanzabaganwa, has said that business proprietors should good customer care services seriously if the industry and economy of the country is to develop.

She made the remarks, yesterday, while opening a one -ay forum of hotel and restaurant managers convened by the ministry to help develop the industry.

In an interview, Nsanzabaganwa disclosed that good customer care services would attract more tourists in the country, adding that it is the most significant factor that should be considered.

"We have been ranked top in many fields, but our customer service satisfaction is still low. Therefore, there is big room to improve our services if the industry is to benefit the country,” said the minister.

Eric Musanganya, the president of  the Association of Rwanda Hotels and Restaurants, said that their organisation  has embarked on providing more training for hotel owners and service providers to compete favourably on the regional and international market.

"We need to know where we stand on the regional level in terms of providing good services; therefore we have now strategized to train managers to ensure our services compete internationally,” he said.

Some members are intending to travel to Chicago, America and other countries to obtain more knowledge about good customer services.

Ignace Bacyaha, Senior Operations Officer with the International Finance Corporation’s (IFC), pledged to support Rwandan hotels to meet international standards.
