A day in the life…Leony Ruranganwa

Leony Ruranganwa is the sweet morning lady’s voice that awakes you every morning at City Radio in the morning show titled Umusi Ukeye which she co-hosts. Below is her typical working day;I wake up at 4a.m, say a prayer and switch on my laptop to read global news for about 45 minutes.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Leony Ruranganwa is the sweet morning lady’s voice that awakes you every morning at City Radio in the morning show titled Umusi Ukeye which she co-hosts.
Below is her typical working day;

I wake up at 4a.m, say a prayer and switch on my laptop to read global news for about 45 minutes.

I then take a bath, breakfast and set off for work.
By 5:30, I am at work to prepare for the show that I co-host at exactly 6a.m. In this show, we awake our listeners to go for work as well as updating them on what is taking place around the world, among other concerns depending on our program.

I work until 9a.m when I either head home or attend a work meeting. After lunch which has no specific time, I rest before I set off for Kigali Institute of Education (KIH) for studies.

I leave school at 4p.m and head for a modelling training session that goes till 6p.m. When I get home I take a shower and relax.

At 9p.m, I have supper then watch movies or listen to music. I usually go to bed latest at 2 after a prayer.

Photo G. Mugoya