I hate people who…

…carelessly cross the road as they speak on their phones. I am in advanced stages of forming a political party for stupid people only! Seriously, they have become too many to be ignored. Have you seem these stupid people who cross Kigali’s busy streets while talking on the phone?These fools forget that they can indeed be making the very last call of their life since they forget that they can be knocked by the speeding vehicles.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

…carelessly cross the road as they speak on their phones.
I am in advanced stages of forming a political party for stupid people only! Seriously, they have become too many to be ignored. Have you seem these stupid people who cross Kigali’s busy streets while talking on the phone?

These fools forget that they can indeed be making the very last call of their life since they forget that they can be knocked by the speeding vehicles.

Crossing a busy street calls for some concentration especially if you are among the stupid people who just can’t perfectly do more than one task at a time. Oh, how I wish you get knocked and your cheap China phone is destroyed beyond recognition.

…still think it is ok to visit first and then call later.
 It has been scientifically proven by a scientist called The Hater that some things in life can only be done by intelligent people such as The Hater. Anything less than intelligent and I will surely hate you.

Indeed I hate all these jokers who end up annoying instead of surprising their guests. These are the people who show up at your house without having informed you of their visit and then they go ahead to call and ask stupid questions like, "Where are you?

I am at your house.” Well, as you can see I am not at home right now. I suggest you start walking away from my door, immediately.    

…talk about things they never do, just to fit in.
 Recently the people of Japan experienced a double tragedy of an earthquake and a Tsunami. As if that is not bad enough, there are now fears of exposure to deadly nuclear radiation.

However, allow me to hate all those pagans who have been posting on Facebook and Twitter status updates like, "We pray for our friends in Japan.”

 If you going to church or a mosque is not one of your hobbies then don’t deceive the Japanese that you will pray for them.

On the other hand, I have offered to pray for the Japanese and to the liars on Facebook and Twitter.  

…sit and wait for other people’s hard earned money.
You will be shocked to know some of the places where annoying people set up their offices. Some of them find comfort in operating just outside public toilets!

As if sitting in such an area is not bad enough, these idlers go ahead to beg for money from anyone who comes out of the toilets.

I am talking about the idlers that wait for your coins after you have paid for using a public toilet. Is this supposed to be some form of tax? Listen joker, I only came to the toilet to solve my problem not yours. And I therefore did not plan for your begging endeavours.  

…shout when using a blue-tooth gadget to answer calls.
Much as tech gadgets are made by smart people, it is surprising that many part-time thinkers have purchased them. I really get sick when I see someone who is not even driving, using a blue-tooth facility to hold loud phone conversations.

In the first place you are not too busy to hold your phone and secondly, shouting just shows us that your parents never bothered to teach you any manners. At the end of the day, I pity you more than I hate you. This is because your actions make you look very foolish. You may have left the village but the village clearly never left you.

Let me help you hate by sending your suggestions to thehater2009@gmail.com or a text message to +250 788 545293