Last weekend I attended a function and was thrilled to see the ladies wearing all designs of hats and in many different colours, they looked very chic and elegant.  Hats adorned by women have been here since time immemorial. In fact in those days no lady was seen without her hat because it was a symbol of authority and status, but as days went by the hats became a thing of the past, but now it is slowly coming to take its place in the fashion world once again.

Saturday, March 19, 2011
L-R: Queen Elizabeth II; Princess Diana (1961u20131997) in 1991

Last weekend I attended a function and was thrilled to see the ladies wearing all designs of hats and in many different colours, they looked very chic and elegant.  Hats adorned by women have been here since time immemorial.

In fact in those days no lady was seen without her hat because it was a symbol of authority and status, but as days went by the hats became a thing of the
past, but now it is slowly coming to take its place in the fashion world once again.

I once attended the CONCOUR D’ELEGANCE in Nairobi and I was very
impressed at how well dressed the ladies were, but the eye catch of the day is usually the hats they wear.

In fashion terms, hats are a very noticeable accessory because the onlooker’s attention is first drawn to the face. A hat is the most noticeable fashion item
anyone can wear.

It is said that if a woman needs to get noticed, then all they do is wear a beautiful hat.
Etiquette and formality have played their part in
hat wearing.

At the turn of the 20th century in 1900, women changed their hats depending on their activity, but for many ladies of some social standing it would be several times a day. In the Edwardian age it did not matter if you were poor or rich, old or a child, whatever the status, a person wore a hat, only beggars went bareheaded.

I remember the days of the late Princess Diana of Wales; she used her hats to add a sense of sophistication to her persona. Queen Elizabeth II is also known for her love of hats.

Now the future queen in waiting Kate Middleton has adopted some similar taste of hats like her late mother in law Princess Diana.

I read on the net that African-American women love to look their grandest when going to church on Sunday mornings dressed elaborately complete with a trendy hat.

For many of these women and their ancestors, dressing up for church was one of the few opportunities they had to remove domestic aprons and house dresses during the slavery days.

These drab garments were replaced by bright colours, fancy shoes and elaborate hats that would stand out in a crowd. Style and sophistication would rule the day.
Hat shopping is a serious business today. Just any old hat won't do.

Fashionable women today scour boutiques for that one special and unique hat. It will be big, elaborate, chic and a bit on the flashy side with colours and fabric that match from top to bottom, including accessories.

The hat will tie the entire outfit together and give it attention factor that most women look for. Every today’s woman should own at least a hat or two in their wardrobes which will one come in handy one day when attending a function.