Assurance is needed for refugees to return home

Dear Editor, I think it makes sense when the Burundian Senate President asks Burundian refugees living in Rwanda at Kigeme refugee camp to return home because their country is now peaceful.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Dear Editor,

I think it makes sense when the Burundian Senate President asks Burundian refugees living in Rwanda at Kigeme refugee camp to return home because their country is now peaceful.

The representatives of Burundi refugees were assured that there was no reason to remain in exile since peace had returned home.

However, the Burundians are hesitant to respond to his call because it has been rumored that there are isolated cases of people still holding illegal arms and using them in robbery and to commit other forms of atrocities.

I request that the Burundi government assures its people beyond reasonable doubt that there is reliable security and dismiss their fears that might be based on mere propaganda. Without solid assurance, it will be hard for them to return home.

What ever happened in Rwanda in 1994 should open up the eyes of other nations and help them draw lessons from it, such that it does not occur else where.