Thank you Prof. Nshuti for exposing Kayumba

Editor, Allow me through your esteemed newspaper to thank Prof. Manaseh Nshuti for his analysis on Rwandan fugitive Kayumba Nyamwasa and his group. His articles have  educated most of us and we now know very well who these fugitives are.

Friday, March 18, 2011


Allow me through your esteemed newspaper to thank Prof. Manaseh Nshuti for his analysis on Rwandan fugitive Kayumba Nyamwasa and his group.

His articles have  educated most of us and we now know very well who these fugitives are.

They are moving around, peddling lies, that they are being persecuted, in order to cover up their own crimes.
It’s,  therefore, good for writers to expose them and  their lies.

in Canada where I live, these fugitives have tried to recruit people into their party but with little success.
They have only succeeded in recruiting members of FDLr, a terrorist group comprising of people who committed the 1994 Genocide against Tutsi.

Kayumba and his group are open sympathizers of FDLR and FDU-Inkingi, something that has shocked Rwandans.
So, one wonders what caliber of people they are.

These fugitives will not achieve what they want - destabilizing our country. All Rwandans of good will should rise and fight these fugitives who want to destroy the country.

Emannuel Baributsa