Health journalism awards to be held today

KIGALI - Health reporters from the various media organizations will, today, know the winners of the Health Journalism awards from the Ministry of Health.

Friday, March 18, 2011
RHCC DG, Athur Asiimwe

KIGALI - Health reporters from the various media organizations will, today, know the winners of the Health Journalism awards from the Ministry of Health.

The competition is organized by the Rwanda Health Communication Centre (RHCC).

The Director General of the RHCC, Arthur Asiimwe, said that over 40 entries were submitted by journalists across the country, but out of these, six journalists will be awarded in various categories.

"We believe that by awarding top journalists, we not only recognize excellence in health reporting but also motivate others to increase the quality of health coverage to promote behavioural change,” Asiimwe said.

"The role of the media is very critical in advancing health issues,” he added.

Categories include the print, broadcast and overall best health reporter.
