Opportunities in Africa today will address brain drain

Migration for Development in Africa (MIDA) - a regional project that seeks to respond to the brain drain phenomenon in African countries – has stepped up efforts to have more Africans contribute towards the development of their countries.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Migration for Development in Africa (MIDA) - a regional project that seeks to respond to the brain drain phenomenon in African countries – has stepped up efforts to have more Africans contribute towards the development of their countries.

Brain drain has, for long, slowed down developmental projects in Africa. People with skills and expertise in various fields have left their home countries and moved to the West, perceived to be more lucrative with better opportunities.

But the tide is changing. Africa turns out to be the place of opportunity.

Rwanda, for instance, has, over the last sixteen years, seen the return of large numbers of her citizens from the Diaspora. Not only for the love of their home, but the country now has policies that enable people to live their dreams.

Lack of peace and security, one of the threats that drove skilled labour away, is now a thing of the past. Social services like health, education and recreation are steadily getting to world class standards.

Important too, is the business friendly environment that has made the country ideal for trade and investment.

With such progress, the issue of brain drain will be addressed and with African professionals taking charge, the large sums of money paid out to foreign experts will be saved.
