MIDA projects on the right track-official

The National Coordinator of Rwanda Migration for Development in Africa (MIDA) Great Lakes Programme, Eugene Kandekwe has said that the seven projects run by the organisation in the country, are on right track.

Friday, March 18, 2011

The National Coordinator of Rwanda Migration for Development in Africa (MIDA) Great Lakes Programme, Eugene Kandekwe has said that the seven projects run by the organisation in the country, are on right track.

He made the remarks yesterday during a meeting organised to review the progress made in the projects.

MIDA is a regional project that seeks to respond to the brain drain phenomenon in African countries, through the creation and strengthening of sustainable links between the Diaspora and their countries of origin.

"Seven projects in the sectors of education, health and rural development that are being implemented by MIDA in our country are progressing well,” he added.
The great lakes programme operates in Burundi, DRC and Rwanda.

Kandekwe stressed that a positive impact has been made by the projects, although there are some challenges, including lack of experts in some areas and the procurement process which delays the execution of the projects.

"There is a big admirable engagement and commitment after members of the Diaspora came to Rwanda to help implement the projects,” said Sabine Boeltken, the Programme Coordinator of MIDA Great Lakes focal point.

Joseph Kabakeza, the Director General of Diaspora in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, noted that the progress made by the projects was outstanding.

"We are reviewing the impact of the experts after one year of reinforcement of the MIDA phase four in Rwanda, and we shall come up with resolutions that will focus on implementing the projects more effectively,” he explained.

Kabakeza said that MIDA Rwanda targets to strengthen the capacities of public and private institutions by mobilizing the skills and resources of the Rwandan Diaspora.

The fourth phase of the MIDA Great Lakes Programme (2008-2012) is based on the experience gained since 2001 when MIDA started operating in the country.
