Hong Kong rugby 10s pres

Profiles of the Silverbacks The team sets off tomorrow for Hong Kong. Juma Adams MugaboCentre/Fly half He might not be captain due to a nagging knee injury that has seen him miss many training sessions but Juma Mugabo, 25, is a risk worth taking. With 6 tries in last year’s Hong Kong 10s, he led the team to the Plate 1st Runner-Up trophy.

Thursday, March 17, 2011
L-R : Juma Adams Mugabo ;Kevin Makmot ; Moise Habumugisha ;

Profiles of the Silverbacks

The team sets off tomorrow for Hong Kong.

Juma Adams Mugabo
Centre/Fly half

He might not be captain due to a nagging knee injury that has seen him miss many training sessions but Juma Mugabo, 25, is a risk worth taking. With 6 tries in last year’s Hong Kong 10s, he led the team to the Plate 1st Runner-Up trophy.

Looking at him play in last Saturday’s Lion de fer 7s, one was left to wonder whether he really had knee trouble. He played his heart out, making some hard tackles and occasionally forgetting his knee and doing a Serevi-like goose step here and there.

Mugabo will be an asset off the bench as he is a great game reader.

Kevin Makmot
Scrum half/Fly half

For many, a rugby player is a huge tall muscular mean looking fella. Usually that’s how it is. So, when Makmot is introduced as a rugby player….nay, rugby star, many a brow will rise in obvious doubt.

He might be as tall and as big as Peter Pan but when he dons a rugby jersey, he is transformed, and has on many an occasion felled giants whom he tricks into flat-footedness.

What he lacks in physical size, he compensates with fitness, speed and wit. Some say his brains are way faster than his fleet footed legs.

If the team made the Plate finals last year without him, this time one would not be blamed to already be seeing the Silverbacks in the Main Cup final.

Moise Habumugisha
Scrum half

A product of under 14 tag-rugby and a member of the Rwandan 2007 U-14 Tour Aid UK team, Habumugisha is testimony that Rwanda’s rugby has a bright future.
The youngster has already featured for the national side in various versions of the rugby game and has he impressed.
He was part of last year’s Hong Kong trip and seeing the way he played during the Confederation of Africa rugby 15s held in Kigali, one can easily tell its positive side-effects.

He might not retain the Young Player of the Tournament award this time, but respect for him is guaranteed! With his speed, agility and bravery akin to suicidal, a great performance is expected of the nineteen year old pint size Silverback.
