Telecom competition benefits everybody

Editor, Allow me, through your esteemed newspaper, to add my voice in appreciating the country’s major telecom operators for the good work they are doing in helping Rwandans access cell phones.

Thursday, March 17, 2011


Allow me, through your esteemed newspaper, to add my voice in appreciating the country’s major telecom operators for the good work they are doing in helping Rwandans access cell phones.

It’s inspiring to learn that Rwanda has registered steady growth in cell phone users with the three telecom operators adding 1.2 million subscribers in 2010.
I believe the growth is a result of competition among telecom operators. When MTN was operating alone, the network was not the way it’s today.

We should encourage the culture of competition because it keeps the price low and the services great. MTN, Tigo and Rwandatel have done well but we need more telecom operators to enter the market. This will push the cost of cell phones even lower.

Chantal Mukanyarwaya