New electricity connections excite Rwamagana residents

Rwamagana – An installment payment system for domestic electric installations has encouraged many residents in Rwamagana District to get connected to the national grid. And, at least 3,000 more homes in the district will be connected by the end of this year, according to national power utility officials in the area.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Rwamagana – An installment payment system for domestic electric installations has encouraged many residents in Rwamagana District to get connected to the national grid.

And, at least 3,000 more homes in the district will be connected by the end of this year, according to national power utility officials in the area.

The Director of Rwamagana Reco-Rwasco station, Desire Kayiru, said a new system of proving power to rural households on a soft loan basis has created a huge difference.

"It is a system that allows beneficiaries to pay in installments. This is an effective strategy aimed at connecting each and every home in the district,” he said.

Some residents have formed cooperatives to help each other access power and water by taking advantage of this friendly payment system, Kayiru added. "There is an example in Rubona Sector where people pulled together Rwf7 million...we have since connected them and their livelihoods have changed for the better.”

Sliver Habiyakare, a businessman in the area, who recently became one of the Rwandans with electricity, says he was overwhelmed by the big difference power has created, both in business and domestically.

He hopes to make more profits and says his business is safer today. He said his family is now able to follow news, sports and other programmes on the television.

"For sure darkness is a source of insecurity... thieves easily break into your under the cover of darkness. But, with security lights on, they have little chance to break in. I will also get more profits by selling cold drinks. I have started to feel the boom already,” he said.

The Mayor of Rwamagana, Nehemie Uwimana, said local authorities will continue to mobilise beneficiaries to pay for the power installations.

He commended the national power utility for simplifying ways through which people can access power and water. "Reco-Rwasco is very supportive; residents of rural Rubona Sector paid in installments and are now connected. We shall be helping people to get loans to clear their balances.”

The Rwamagana Reco-Rwasco station was recently rewarded after it emerged one of the best performing stations countrywide last year.
