Kabuga Taxi Park to be expanded

Gasabo District is in final preparations to expand Kabuga Taxi Park, located in Rusororo Sector, along the Kigali-Kayonza road. This was announced Monday by Eng. John Karamagye, the Coordinator of Land Bureau and Infrastructure in the district, during an interview with The New Times.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Gasabo District is in final preparations to expand Kabuga Taxi Park, located in Rusororo Sector, along the Kigali-Kayonza road.

This was announced Monday by Eng. John Karamagye, the Coordinator of Land Bureau and Infrastructure in the district, during an interview with The New Times.

"The objective is to improve transport facilities, especially in rural areas of the district, and also enable taxi operators to work in an organized manner,” Karamagye said.

He said that the construction works will commence next month, and will go on for a period of six months.

The official added that the exercise will cost Rwf630m, adding that the activities will be funded by the Common Development Fund (CDF) and the management of Gasabo District.

Karamagye pointed out that, upon completion, the park will have capacity to accomodate 750 vehicles. Currently, it handles less than 100 vehicles.

He added that the construction works will provide employment to over 500 residents, and that the park will employ 80 people after the refurbishment exercise.
