Police should always announce alternative routes

Editor, I would like to extend my gratitude to all those doing all they can to upgrade roads in the country, especially in Kigali City. However, this should be done in a way that will not affect us in our day-to-day activities. Yesterday, it took me over two hours from home to work due to the works at KBC roundabout, which caused heavy traffic jam along Remera-Kimihurura road.

Monday, March 14, 2011


I would like to extend my gratitude to all those doing all they can to upgrade roads in the country, especially in Kigali City.

However, this should be done in a way that will not affect us in our day-to-day activities. Yesterday, it took me over two hours from home to work due to the works at KBC roundabout, which caused heavy traffic jam along Remera-Kimihurura road.

This should not have been the case if the traffic police had earlier communicated about the repairs and the alternative roads motorists should have used. Vehicles from Kimironko, Remera, especially private cars, which were heading to the city centre would probably had used the African Union Boulevard, (Rwandex) instead of wasting valuable hours stuck in the morning jam.

Had there been a communiqué, and on time, probably this would not have happened. More so, the works on the roundabout should have been done during weekend to avoid such inconveniences. Alternatively, police should have diverted traffic to allow motorists on the busy lane to use the parallel lane which was practically empty.

I urge traffic police and other concerned authorities to always liaise with the road contractors and announce which roads will be closed and the alternative routes.

Patrick Kareba