Life Transitions

In life, human beings bear children and take full responsibility over them. It takes distinct character and enough materials to raise them to a stage of 6 to 8years.Changing their diapers, comforting them when they cry, teaching them good morals, doing home work, teaching them how to pronounce words correctly and a bunch of stuff that develops their minds.

Monday, March 14, 2011
Never lose hope as you try to achieve your goals.

In life, human beings bear children and take full responsibility over them. It takes distinct character and enough materials to raise them to a stage of 6 to 8years.

Changing their diapers, comforting them when they cry, teaching them good morals, doing home work, teaching them how to pronounce words correctly and a bunch of stuff that develops their minds.

When they become teenagers, their hormones start to vibrate like compact molecules on heat! There is deep desire to find out what the world out-there feels and tastes like on their own; without the help of parents.

From here, the kids go through lots of challenges morally, sexual influence, identity crises, career, and peer pressure. This stage is the most challenging of all life experiences but we always have the key to walk in them majestically.

As they say "man suffers the consequences of his actions”; your today will surely determine your tomorrow and we must understand that "charity begins at home” and if you already know this, "a stitch in time saves nine.”

What then? The next stage is in the youth. Early 20’s. For ladies, it’s high time they start thinking of higher education to improve their lives and show what they are capable of. In usual cases, girls find jobs to get money and sometimes, think about marriage.

For men…I call it ‘welcome to the world’ this is where a guy becomes a man and prepares for his future, probably regretting his past too! The right decisions he didn’t make, et cetera…but just as my French teacher in senior one used to say "c’est ne pas la fin du monde”—which means, ‘it’s not the end of the world.’

I am writing this because I might be in the same stage. I am pressing on forward with no fear, to the goal that is ahead of me. I have learnt that, whether you come from a wealthy family or humble family, it takes courage, determination and hard-work to reach your goal. Achieving goals is not easy.

First, you have a VISION, and then you have an IDEA, think and meditate on your idea, plan on your paper, consult friends and qualified people you trust to guide in clarifying your vision. LET NO ONE DISCOURAGE YOU BECAUSE NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE.

Take a step and work on your idea; let me make something clear, you may not be qualified to do something, you may not be good in languages, and you may not be physically able (handicapped) BUT as long as you love what you do, are committed, confident, humble, wise and creative in your work. That’s all it takes to be what you want to be.

If you only have the qualifications but not the above characters, I am sorry to say succeeding will be like swimming upstream. Now, if you have these qualities and qualifications, everyone will want to partner with you or employ you.

Open your mind to see GOD’S will for your life, stand firm towards doing good things and most importantly, do not lose hope.

Rick warren said: "Change always starts in your mind. The way you think, determines the way you feel and the way you feel, influences the way you act.”