Fourth EAC media summit kicks off today in Nairobi

NAIROBI – The 4th East African Community (EAC) Media Summit opens today in the Kenyan capital, Nairobi.The two-day meeting will run under the theme: “Claiming the Next Decade - An EAC Agenda.”

Monday, March 14, 2011
TO OPEN MEET; Kenyau2019s Kalonzo Musyoka

NAIROBI – The 4th East African Community (EAC) Media Summit opens today in the Kenyan capital, Nairobi.
The two-day meeting will run under the theme: "Claiming the Next Decade - An EAC Agenda.”

The EAC Head of Corporate Communications and Public Affairs, Owora Richard Othieno, said, yesterday, that 250 delegates are expected at the summit, which will also be used to award journalists who have been keen on reporting and promoting regional integration.

"Two hundred delegates have already confirmed attendance. Actually, the Kenyan Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka has confirmed that he will open the summit tomorrow (today),” Othieno said in an interview
The summit, to take place at the Hilton Hotel, is organized by the EAC Secretariat in collaboration with the East African Business Council (EABC).

At the meetng, policymakers, media executives, publishers, and editors in East Africa are expected to discuss the role of the media in regional integration process.

Leading media experts and owners will make presentations, which will be augmented by seasoned panellists on regional integration, media and trade related issues.

Four critical topics have been lined for discussion at the summit, including: EAC - An Agenda For the Next Decade; Is the Common Mwananchi (Mutarage) benefiting from the EAC Integration?; The Role of the Media in Setting and Delivering the EAC Agenda for the Next Decade; and The Strategic Drivers for achieving the EAC Common Market.

Othieno said that Kenyan Prime Minister Raila Odinga is expected to preside over a dinner gala later today.
