Cerebrity Central: Stars that shine with season

Whereas African-American idol Rihanna releases new songs every fortnight, Rwanda’s artists wait patiently for December to express their talents.It is factual that the month of December is regarded as a merry month worldwide, coz of its Christmas and New Year’s events.

Sunday, March 13, 2011
Diplomate (above) prefers to be called the 'Rap Messiah' for saving hip-hop

Whereas African-American idol Rihanna releases new songs every fortnight, Rwanda’s artists wait patiently for December to express their talents.

It is factual that the month of December is regarded as a merry month worldwide, coz of its Christmas and New Year’s events.

This is also the time when fans and students in their long vacation are most willing to release their penny for entertainment-which artists utilize well.
But why would the theatre close and the musicians sell their guitars thereafter? Why would the passionate fans be forced to wait for another December or hunt for boring Karaoke’s to celebrate?

Even the few artists who try to keep busy, target students’ holidays in planning their events.
One of the local artists, Bably once joked to yours truly on how it was difficult to earn a penny from local entertainment before Christmas.

"During those big days, one bumps into big deals like the East African Party or other hot upcountry gigs,” said the hip-hop artist. "I cannot release my good tracks before November because I don’t earn from them.”

Theatres and artists should not be blamed from closing then. After all, their business is to entertain fans- who turn up in December only.
Even night clubs get busy in the festive season. Why would anyone question the limited number and quality of clubs in Kigali, when even the few present are limited to holiday attendance?
One can nearly lose their breath if they joined one of the local night clubs in the festive season. But it is quite possible to get space to sleep on the dance floor, in ordinary workdays.

Church priests too wed most couples in December and people who plan on ceremonies in the villages target that holiday.
Should one conclude that this is a corporate world where the few fans willing to party are the students in holiday and the folks after salary?!

Or, that entertainment isn’t just Rwanda’s thing?!
According to scientists, leisure is part of healthy living. Too much expenditure on every weekend would be unreasonable, as much as waiting for New Year’s Day to celebrate would be unhealthy.
