Business Perspective: Marketing products and services aggressively

Every business has become a cut throat and business owners are leaving no stone unturned when it comes to marketing their products or services.I went to a nyama choma joint with a group of friends last weekend and when we reached that place, I could see almost fifteen choma places and even before I knew which particular joint we were going to, someone had opened the door of the car where I was seated and landed a piece of meat on my hands before I knew it.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Every business has become a cut throat and business owners are leaving no stone unturned when it comes to marketing their products or services.

I went to a nyama choma joint with a group of friends last weekend and when we reached that place, I could see almost fifteen choma places and even before I knew which particular joint we were going to, someone had opened the door of the car where I was seated and landed a piece of meat on my hands before I knew it.

I then realized that the people who do a specialty of roasting meat had devised a way of attracting clients by standing on the road side and directing cars for packing near their bars as they hold pieces of meat in small polyphone bags for their clients to have an instant taste of what they are offering.

This I thought was a very bold step for these business owners to take.
We all know that attracting clients is a conscious way of marketing any business, and there is always a need to constantly search for the next new client, also it is important that the business owner keeps abreast with what is happening in the business world, and there is no other better way to move your business forward than to aggressively market your company.

There are a few things that any business owner ought to do so that they can keep with the current trend of marketing.
First and foremost is the positioning of oneself as an expert - do what needs to be done personally and professionally to position yourself as an expert in your industry – like these men who were all brandishing roasted meats on our faces trying to show us how best they can do their jobs.

Learn what you can, attend other people’s events, and know all of the cutting edge information.
Client hospitality is the key to success in any business. No client likes to do deal with a grumpy business person.

A courteous and pleasant manner will go a long way towards creating client loyalty. When a client walks into your establishment, it is important to initiate a conversation, finding out exactly what he or she needs, without being too pushy.

Casual pleasantries with old customers are always appreciated. By making your customer smile, he or she will make you smile by doing business with you.
Delivering services – when it comes to delivering of services, it is important that when a business deal is sealed, delivery dates are honored. Many people have gone of out business because delivering has been a problem.
Once a client has faith that whatever services they are seeking will be delivered on time, then they will surely continue to do business with the company for as long as the services are required.
Attracting new clients or retaining the old ones’ depends on the business tactics and strategies you adopt for your business.

Clients should be handled with care and respect. Although there is no single method of attracting clients, there are tried and tested techniques, which can lead to business success.
