Living life: Tomorrow is Another Day

Have you wondered why some people just cannot shrug of their mountain of problems? Today this, tomorrow that, the next day same story… some these people have not come to terms that a life full of problems is just like any other life. It all depends on one’s outlook to life.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Have you wondered why some people just cannot shrug of their mountain of problems? Today this, tomorrow that, the next day same story… some these people have not come to terms that a life full of problems is just like any other life. It all depends on one’s outlook to life.

Right from when a child is conceived, a hell lot of problems present themselves. A million things can happen that can make that child not reach the full term of maturity or even be born.
But more often than not, it eventually happens.

That is not the end of the story. Actually the story of survival now becomes more apparent – diseases, accidents, natural disasters, genetic disorders, poverty, malnutrition, joblessness, name it. Life is package full of problems.

The problem comes when one thinks that problems are bad or a result of lack of attention or love or being is position of disadvantage in family, in the world or even from God.
Then if they see life as so, every problem that comes will be like hammer blow. They whine, they cry, they moan and love their lives in a perpetual state of complaining.

The truth of life is that these are not really problems, but challenges that stand in the way of human progress. In the days of hold people had to hunt for foot – meat or greens – and their challenges were the risk of attack form wild animals, poisonous plants and the like.

 Today, we need to buy food, so we virtually must earn money to eat. We must hunt for food, and therefore money. The difference is that now with all this education, opportunities and so forth we must use our skills chances and abilities to make money. There is no much difference from our forefathers.

If you want to walk a distance of one hundred meters you must make a physical and metal effort to do it. You may meet obstacles like a wall which you may jump over or go around or break through, a rabid dog which you may stone or scare or just run off and so is the story of life.

Life must have problems. A life without problems is, well, not a life. Today, a problem is just that problem that needs to be solved not by the world, the government but by you. Tomorrow is another day full of new problems and new opportunities to solve those problems.

Whether to live a life full of difficult problems or one where challenges are swept aside by the wave of opportunities that accompanies those numerous challenges is but your own decisions to make.

I wish you a challenging Sunday!