I hate people who…

…give money to the wrong people. I am about to call a press conference to declare that I am broke! This is because I am tired of people who borrow money and instead of returning it straight to the person they borrowed from, they choose to give it to someone else.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

…give money to the wrong people.
I am about to call a press conference to declare that I am broke! This is because I am tired of people who borrow money and instead of returning it straight to the person they borrowed from, they choose to give it to someone else.
One such fool borrowed money from me and decided to give it to my landlord hoping that the landlord will pass it to me. What the fool didn’t know is that I had not yet paid my rent so my landlord decided to ‘confiscate’ my money. Oh how I hate this guy now.

 Yet I had just taken the trouble to convince the landlord to wait for two more weeks. If you are reading this and you also have my money, please, bring it to me not to my landlord. He is not my relative or friend.

…cannot do the right thing at the right time.
In primary schools teachers always tell children to do the right thing at the right time. However, some adults just forgot this lesson a long time ago.

The other day a friend told me how Arsenal FC played a whole football game against FC Barcelona without a single shot on goal. And yes you guessed it, they did not score.
I am not a keen football fan but I cannot fail to hate these jokers who should have known that this was not another training session but a real game against a serious football team. How can you expect to win without trying to score? It is like me hating without being angry. Impossible.

…insist on being your friend by force.
It may seem like total innocence to have friends but sometimes it is annoying to the point that I am forced to hate some forceful friends. There are times when you are not in the mood for a conversation and all you want is to go home and relax.
Then you realise that your neighbour in the bus or taxi is so keen on talking to you all in the name of being friendly.

This irritating fellow will go ahead to interview you, making you feel like a crime suspect. To make things worse he will keep referring to you as ‘my friend’ in this clearly unwanted conversation. Listen neighbour, I paid the bus fare so that I could get home not to meet friends on the bus.

…act inconsiderately while in a packed taxi.
Sometimes I close my eyes and pray that Rwanda’s Vision 2020 plan should include the disappearance of small commuter taxis. There is simply too much misery in these metallic boxes from Japan.

There are times when you are seated four on a seat and then a lady decides to get something from her bag. Because there is very little space for manoeuvring, her elbows end up in your ribs, chest and if you are unlucky your face and eyes may not survive the torture. I hate these people more than the Egyptians hated Hosni Mubarak.  

…organise parties without enough food.
No one should ever deceive you that they know me if they do not know that I hate being hungry! I really hate it when people invite me for parties especially wedding parties and I find little or no food.

This is a crime against humanity! How do you expect me to be happy at your party when all I have is to eat is my own saliva or the small samosas you provided as snacks? Imagine having a hungry, angry Hater at your party? Next time if you are having a wedding and there is no food in the plan, just do not invite me. I cannot afford to starve at your party.

Let me help you hate by sending your suggestions to thehater2009@gmail.com or a text message to +250 788 545293