Aunt’s corner

Dear Aunt Silvia, I am a house wife and recently found out that my husband has gotten into a relationship with an older woman, old enough to be his mother. When I tried asking him about it he denied at first but later on admitted but never asked for forgiveness.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Dear Aunt Silvia,

I am a house wife and recently found out that my husband has gotten into a relationship with an older woman, old enough to be his mother. When I tried asking him about it he denied at first but later on admitted but never asked for forgiveness.

He told me that the lady is providing what he can’t get from me. Please help me on what to do, I have no where to go to with six children.Fatou

Dear Fatou,

When a younger man or woman enters into a relationship with an older or more mature person than themselves, they find a person who is experienced more than themselves in many aspects of life.

This means these mature people are usually settled in mind, and lead a comfortable life whereby providing is not a problem.

Also these people have grown up children who make them unattached to any responsibility, but more so these are very experienced people when it comes to the matters of love and the art of love making.

On the other hand, younger men have a lot of energy and can come as a target for lonely older women and vice versa. A lot of older women don’t look their age and may meet someone who thinks that they are a lot younger than they actually are.

But by the time you figure out how old both of you are then the attraction may have already set in and getting out becomes a problem.

We never quite understand when a younger person leaves their spouses for a mature person, but truly these are the reasons as to why the older person is becoming very popular in the dating game.

It might be interesting to ask your spouse what it is that he is getting from the other woman and you are not providing him with.

Maybe this way you will get him to talk and you never know he might confide in you about your short comings and then the two of you make some truce, and see if you are in the position to provide whatever he was missing from you.

You see, in today’s world, everything is a cut throat competition even in marriage. Both men and women want new ways of doing things. Long gone are the days, where a man will just be content with a woman who does not take care of her grooming?

Today they are exposed to well groomed women everywhere, despite the age- and thus when they come home and find you in a sack cloth, they will not be amused.

You have given this man six beautiful children and that is why he is still with you despite his affair with this other woman. I do not think if there is anything as grave. Please, do your homework well and up your game where need be.
