Know about Cataract

Cataract is a degenerative condition of the eyes which generally occurs due to aging. There is opacification of the lens (part of the eye where light rays focus for vision), thus causing problems of vision. As the cataract progresses, one has progressively reduced vision. Ultimately a person may be able to see only 1 or 2 fingers in front vaguely and the rest all appears blurred. This is technically called as count finger vision.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Cataract is a degenerative condition of the eyes which generally occurs due to aging. There is opacification of the lens (part of the eye where light rays focus for vision), thus causing problems of vision.

As the cataract progresses, one has progressively reduced vision. Ultimately a person may be able to see only 1 or 2 fingers in front vaguely and the rest all appears blurred. This is technically called as count finger vision.

Cataract is commonly a condition of aging. More than 80 percent of people develop cataract in one or both eyes by the age of 80. But it is not necessarily related to advanced age. Some unfortunate children are born with an opaque lens or develop it in early childhood, a state known as congenital cataract.

It can happen secondary to trauma. Excess exposure to radiation or sunlight is known to induce cataract in eyes of young people.
Diabetes is a condition which can cause premature cataract, i.e. cataract at a younger age and also accelerate the progress of opacification.

Smoking and alcohol use are known risk factors to hasten the development of cataract.
Early symptoms of cataract are slightly blurred vision.

Those using eye glasses experience visual disturbances in spite of the glasses. They have the number of eye glasses changed rapidly.

Because as the lens starts getting opaque, maybe from the periphery or center, light rays are irregularly focused on the lens thus hampering clear vision.
One may also experience pain in the eyes due to eye strain, i.e. after watching the television or computer screen for a long time.
The diagnosis of cataract is based on detection of the opacity in the lens by testing vision. Other tests like fundus examination (to see the retina screen for vision) and examination of the pressure within the eye ball, are done to see the chances of recovery of the vision after surgery.

For example, somebody with a damaged retina may not have an improved vision after being operated for cataract. Thus after complete check up of the eyes, a surgeon will opt for surgery.

After surgery one has to observe many precautions for about 8 weeks.  Avoid bending down; avoid lifting heavy weights to prevent bleeding from the operative site. Light has to be avoided at all times to give rest to the operated eye.

For this purpose, one has to use dark glasses in all waking hours. After the operation, one also has to avoid any water or soap on the affected site. This is to prevent any irritation and infection.
Generally after 8 weeks, one is given suitable eye glasses to see very well.

The development and progression of cataract can be prevented by intake of adequate amount of antioxidants in the diet. Anti-oxidants are substances which prevent the wear and tear of cells and tissues in the body. Carrots, onion, cabbage, e.t.c. substances have antioxidant properties.
Apart from this, fresh leafy vegetables and fruits, whole grains and cereals provide vitamins A, B- complex and E to the body which keeps the eyes healthy.
If somebody has diabetes, it should be kept well controlled with suitable diet and anti -diabetic medicines.

One should keep the eyes well protected from strong sun light. If it is necessary to move out in the sun, it is advisable to use dark sunglasses and a cap over head to shade and protect the eyes.

Alcohol and tobacco use should be avoided.  They are toxic to the eyes in many ways and also hasten cataracts.

Certain exercises of the eyes help to strengthen the eye muscles, if done regularly they delay the visual disturbances caused due to cataract.

Thus with due precautions observed, one can delay development of cataract or delay being operated for it. But if needed, it is a small surgery done safely in expert hands. So there is no need to fear for it.