Rwanda’s economic dev’t strategy commendable

Editor,I agree with the visiting delegation from Zambia that Rwanda’s strategy to foster economic development is bearing fruit and worth emulating.Economically, the country has achieved a lot within sixteen years and nobody expected such speedy transformation.

Saturday, March 12, 2011
The Zambian delegation being shown how goods are cleared at gatuna boarder.(Photo J Mbanda)


I agree with the visiting delegation from Zambia that Rwanda’s strategy to foster economic development is bearing fruit and worth emulating.

Economically, the country has achieved a lot within sixteen years and nobody expected such speedy transformation.

I returned to Rwanda ten years ago and I have witnessed several reforms which have positively impacted the lives of many Rwandans.

There are also other strategies that have helped the country develop quickly. The performance contracts signed by government officials and districts as a way to guarantee results have achieved quite a lot.

The performance contracts should be adopted by other countries because they encourage leaders to deliver services to the electorate. Those who cannot deliver should take responsibility.
It’s one way of holding our leaders accountable and it has helped Rwandans progress within the shortest possible time.

Doreen Mutamba