Imbuto Foundation donates mosquito nets

EASTERN PROVINCE BUGESERA — In a bid to reduce malaria infection, Imbuto Foundation on Tuesday donated 1,000 mosquito nets to 21 associations of people living with HIV/AIDS in Ruhuha sector.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


BUGESERA — In a bid to reduce malaria infection, Imbuto Foundation on Tuesday donated 1,000 mosquito nets to 21 associations of people living with HIV/AIDS in Ruhuha sector.

According to the district director of health, Francis Karambizi, the number of residents using mosquito nets in the district has increased tremendously to 96.5 per cent. Out of 137,417 beds 132,607 beds [96.5 per cent] have mosquito nets in the district.

He was optimistic the number would increase to 98.6 per cent after the donation of more 3,000 mosquito nets to other three sectors.

The Foundation has reportedly committed to donate more 2,000 nets to 21 associations of people living with the virus in Rilima and Nyamata sectors.

Karambizi said the number of patients seeking malaria tests reduced from 43 per cent in 2006, to 10.9 per cent currently.

"I am certain with the help of our donors like Imbuto Foundation and our tireless sensitisation campaign on the use of mosquito nets in the district, we shall forget malaria infection in few years to come," Karambizi said.
