Burundians to adopt business management skills from Rwanda

EASTERN PROVINCE RWAMAGANA — A team of 11 Burundians from Karusi Province has said they will copy methods of managing small and medium enterprises from Rwanda.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


RWAMAGANA — A team of 11 Burundians from Karusi Province has said they will copy methods of managing small and medium enterprises from Rwanda.

They said this on Tuesday after completing a three-day tour in Rwanda.

Led by the Administrator (equivalent of Mayor) of Shombo Commune, Pierre Nizigiyimana, the group arrived in Rwanda on February 18, and visited association sponsored by African Evangelical Enterprises (AEE), the organisers of the tour.

Among others, they visited basket weaving associations in Mwurire Sector, maize growers associations in Munyiginya Sector, storage facility in Mwurire and saving schemes also in Mwurire, Munyiginya and Kigabiro Sectors.

At all sites the visiting group got knowledge on how people with similar problems joined and worked together, by helping one another and the extent of success they have achieved.

Eriya Ndayikengurukiye, one of the group said he would use his evangelical experience to preach the ‘good news’ about the success stories in Rwanda.

Pierre Nizigiyimana, another member, said the lessons learnt during the tour would benefit residents of his commune. He noted that because of many years of insecurity many Burundians had become lazy only depending on food donations, a mentality he said must change.

"This has been a wonderful tour seeing how people in Rwamagana are developing due to working hard in groups," Nizigiyimana said, adding ‘this is a lesson that must adopted.’

Pacifique Shyirambere, a representative of Reseaux Africa 2000+, a Christian- based organisation, the co-organisers of the tour, hailed AEE for extending training to Burundians.

Pastor Ezekiel Rucema, the Director of AEE in eastern province, urged the visitors to utilize the experience gained from the study tour.

He explained how AEE operates across Rwamagana district and in Nyamirama sector in Kayonza, organising people into groups.

"Each of the group is composed of 20 members and in total we have 230," Rucema said. He said a Germany religious organisation -KNH sponsors the program.

Rucema explained that grouping people with similar problems is a suitable approach of tackling their problems. He said the programme is based on three principles of social development, economic development and capacity building, to restore lost hope among the members.

He revealed that AEE was introduced in Rwanda in 1984, and started operating from Rwamagana district in 1996. Among others, AEE does evangelical work in addition to supporting projects for vulnerable groups.

It has been known for its support to unity and reconciliation projects, HIV/AIDS projects and support of child headed families. AEE is also constructing a School of Champions which is expected to help many vulnerable youths in the province.
